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G20 SummitStatus woe Globalisation is leaving broken lives in its wake. The G20 needs to find a new, sustainable approach to economic cooperation. By Sandra Polaski, Cecilia Nahón
EuropeMyth of the echo-chamber Online news is highly polarised in some countries – but technology is not to blame By Richard Fletcher
EuropeRise of the machines Why a universal basic income won't solve the problem of tech-related unemployment By Henning Meyer
European integrationLand of no return A year on from Brexit, the UK is more divided than ever By Sean Lang
EuropeDivide and rule Ethnic tensions in the Western Balkans are on the rise as the prospect of EU membership fades By Filip Milačić
Future of social democracyNo “blank cheque” for Macron French trade unionist Andrée Thomas on Emmanuel Macron’s planned labour reforms By Andrée Thomas
EuropeGame, set and match Stefan Dehnert on the success of Macron’s party in the final round of France’s legislative elections By Stefan Dehnert