If you are interested in contributing to International Politics and Society, please contact the editorial team under editor(at)ips-journal.eu.
International Politics and Society is a platform for debates, publishing opinion pieces which analyse and comment on European and international politics and – at times – expressing provocative ideas. We are especially interested in submissions that shed new light on overlooked aspects of a particular issue or question conventional wisdom.
Theoretical essays or descriptive overviews that do not push the debate forward do not fit our profile.
Here are some guidelines for sending pitches:
All submissions will be edited. Whilst we will not alter the general argument of a text, we reserve the right to cut, shorten or rewrite sections, edit the language to fit our editorial style, and insert appropriate headlines, titles, teasers and standfirsts.
We are interested in contributions of between 800 and 1200 words.
Our readers will have a special interest in foreign policy and will generally be well-informed. That doesn’t mean, however, that they have country-specific expertise. Complex background information that is essential to an understanding of a particular topic should be explained briefly, but non-essential info should be left out.
Our writing style is journalistic, not academic. Begin with a strong leading sentence to grab the reader’s attention, and include the most important information at the top of each paragraph.
We assume that content is submitted exclusively to www.ips-journal.eu. Generally, we grant other media outlets permission to reuse our material without further approval from authors. If you would like to discuss another arrangement, please let us know.