EuropeFighting the wrong battles Why the European elections are about more than a simple fight between pro-Europeans and anti-Europeans By Peter Scherrer, Dr Wolfgang Kowalsky
North AmericaWe need a high wall with a big gate With Trump using immigration for political gain, Democrats need to be the adults and offer a realistic vision By Thomas L. Friedman
Green industryRussia's green economy The country's ecological transition is slow and tenuous – but it is happening By Angelina Davydova
Latin AmericaLeft un-splintered How Uruguay's Frente Amplio, a coalition of 40 progressive forces, defies the right-wing assault on Latin America By Sebastian Sperling
EuropeUkraine and Russia clash in the Black Sea Marcel Röthig in Kiev on the question whether the confrontation will escalate after Ukraine's decision to impose martial law By
EuropeThe end of a love affair Why the left’s enthusiasm for Macron wasn’t there to stay By Andreas Nölke
North AmericaTrump is beginning to lose his grip Trump declared war on women and multicultural America — and lost. A closer look at the midterm elections is proof enough By Stanley B. Greenberg
Future of social democracyThe liberal delusion It’s illusory to think that moral outrage will stop right-wing populists. In reality, it only makes them stronger By Marc Saxer