Foreign and security policyA New START? In the age of Trump, arms control needs a relaunch: it will either be multilateral or it will not be at all By Oliver Thränert
GlobalThe exploitation time bomb A self-reinforcing pattern of high profits, low investment, and rising inequality demands a Global Green New Deal By Jayati Ghosh
EuropeThe IMF bargain Europe must get beyond seeing the head of the International Monetary Fund as part of the spoils from Bretton Woods By Adam Tooze
AfricaThe fork is mightier than the wall We must tackle migration’s underlying causes – beginning with a broken global food system, not Trump's wall By Danielle Nierenberg
EuropeHigher wages can save the eurozone Higher wages for German workers increase domestic demand – and prevent other eurozone countries' indebtedness By Hartmut Elsenhans, Hannes Warnecke-Berger
North AmericaThe biggest threat to America is Us If we fail, China, Russia and Iran won’t be to blame, argues NYT columnist Thomas L. Friedman By Thomas L. Friedman
EuropeDawn breaks on new era in EU-Russia relations An EU focussed on itself currently lacks appetite for enlargement. That's why relations with Russia might enter a new era By Fyodor Lukyanov
AfricaTrade within Africa Nigeria finally throws its weight behind the African Continental Free Trade Area. But will it boost the continent’s economy? By Paul Okolo