North AmericaA misguided approach Donald Trump says he wants to protect the US steel industry. But will his tariffs on steel and aluminium imports really bring back jobs? By Franziska Wehinger
North AmericaA president just like Trump? Donald Trump likes to liken himself to former US president Andrew Jackson. But does the comparison really hold? By Claus Leggewie
North AmericaIron fist, velvet glove Trump’s maiden State of the Union address pleaded for unity – and unprecedented presidential powers By Yascha Mounk
North AmericaA dictator in the White House? Russia, Venezuela and Turkey show how autocratic leaders can turn democracies into their own playthings. US Democrats, be warned! By Yascha Mounk
North AmericaSingh Hallelujah Jagmeet Singh brings Canada’s social democrats new hope By Raoul Gebert
North AmericaDemocrats disunited Once the ‘party of the unions’, US Democrats have lost touch with the working class By Norman Birnbaum
Interviews“The economy isn’t working for workers” American union leader Richard Trumka on Trump, trade and tax breaks for the rich
North AmericaTrump and white supremacy Does Trump crave emotional support from neo-Nazis? By Thomas Greven
North AmericaThe personal politics of Donald Trump How the American president is shaping policy around favouritism and personal loyalty By Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook
Foreign and security policyTrump’s foreign policy is more than a chaotic mess The US president is running a reckless, militarised security policy according to the wishes of Pentagon hardliners By Paul Hockenos