Global | 28.05.2020 Back to the roots Privatisations have led to higher costs and lower quality of services. It's time to remunicipalise them and give citizens a say
Global | 05.05.2020 Global Quarantine X International cooperation is under pressure in the corona pandemic. The G20, UN and IMF are bucking the trend
Europe | 22.05.2019 The free market is not the answer We need a new economic order that serves the public interest. A plea for a more democratic economy
Future of social democracy | 15.11.2018 Apocalypse cancelled! How social democrats can promote a social and ecological transformation
Europe | 17.04.2018 The Search for a Sense of Togetherness In Germany, we don’t need a new concept of 'Heimat'. Instead, we need places where people feel included and effective
In the shadow of change Since the fall of Assad, there has been an increase in attacks on Syria’s Alawite population, hampering a democratic restart
Decommodify electricity To achieve the green transition, actors in the private and public sectors must face the simple reality — its not all about profits