The IPS Journal is now available as an app for iOS in the Apple App Store and for Android in the Google Play Store.

Getting Started
The first time you open the IPS app, it will ask you for permission to send push notifications for new articles.
Provided permission is granted, push notifications are enabled for all topics and regions. You can now personalise your selection.
To later modify your choice of topics and regions for which your device receives push notifications, select the ‘push notification’ item in the menu.

Activating push notifications in the settings
In the event that permission is not given at the initial setup, it can be enabled at any time using the settings of the IPS app. Further information on this can be found in the section ‘changing the notification settings on the iPhone’ in the iPhone user manual or in the section ‘activating or deactivating notifications for specific apps’ in the Android help manual.

Read articles via push notification
As soon as a new article appears in your preferred topic or region, you will receive a push notification. Tap on it to be directed to the relevant article.
Feedback und Support
If you have any feedback on the IPS app or further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info (at)